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What Is Consignment?

Whether it's the Rosenthal teapot you fell for but seldom use, or the teak hutch that doesn't fit the new dining room, your once-loved treasures can be a true joy to someone else. That’s where Kipkoo Vintage comes in – we connect your under-used items with new owners who will cherish them. When you agree to consign your items to Kipkoo Vintage, you're a consignor. You maintain title to your possessions but give the rights to sell these items to our shop, which is the consignee. 
You receive the agreed-upon monetary return after the goods are sold.

Why Consign When I Can Sell The Goods Myself on Craigslist or Kijiji?

Kipkoo treats your items as an important part of a curated collection of vintage treasures. This site provides an organized, well-considered interface that will display your treasure to its best advantage. Instead of other online Classifieds where a buyer has to sift through items of questionable style and quality, Kipkoo delivers carefully displayed, era-specific items chosen deliberately for a specific audience of vintage lover and Mid-Century Modern design enthusiasts.

All you have to do is drop it off (or arrange a pick-up) and we do all the work for you: marketing and promotion, professional photography, and storage. Our ability to display and sell your furniture results in a selling price that is higher than private sale or auction.

How Does It Work?

All new consignments begin with an initial approval process. We suggest you submit a photo via email. If the items are suitable for consignment, we will make an appointment to inspect the furniture, agree in writing on the price you will receive, and arrange transport to our storage facility. The consignor (ie: you) will receive 50% of the sale price, and Kipkoo Vintage will receive the remaining 50%.

What Style of Furniture/Houseware Do You Accept?

Kipkoo is most interested in items from the early to mid-20th century. If it was made between 1930 and 1970, we’ll probably be excited to see it.

What Condition Must the Item Be In?

Kipkoo is seeking merchandise in good to mint condition.

Can you do a repair if my item needs it?

If the item you have is worth it, with your permission we can have a cleaning, polishing or a repair done. We will only pursue this if the item will sell for a much greater price after it is repaired. Repairs are paid for by the Consignor.

Who Sets the Price?

Kipkoo works with you to come up with a price that is fair for both buyer and seller, taking into consideration current market trends and resale standards. Together, we will consider the following factors to determine your treasure’s “sellability”: quality, condition, manufacturer, popularity and demand for the item.

At our initial consultation, we determine a high and low estimate of what your item will sell for. We start the item at the high estimate. If it does not sell in the first eight weeks, we lower the price on a consistent basis up to four times until we get to the lower estimate. This decrease is posted on the site and in our showroom.

What Happens If My Item Doesn't Sell?

In the unlikely event that your item has not sold after the first 8 weeks, we will contact you to discuss what you would like to do. Options include:
a) Trying the item for a few more weeks
b) Lowering the price
c) Delivering the item back to you (at your cost)
d) Donating the item to a worthwhile charity (Sometimes an option for a lower value item)

What happens when my item is sold?

If an item has been sold, we will send you an email telling you that your item has found a new home. Kipkoo issues cheques to consignors once a month. If your item sold during that time period, you will receive payment by mail or by some other arrangement.

My Item is Rather Large and I don’t have a way of dropping it off. Can you help me arrange a pick-up?

Kipkoo can help you find a mover and arrange the pick-up, but the cost is the responsibility of the consignor and must be paid to the moving & delivery company directly by the consignor. Keep in mind that a pick up charge involves:

- travel time of the truck to and from your home

- proper packaging of your items, if needed

- removal of the items from your home (apartments take longer)

- proper securing of items in truck

- unloading of items at the Kipkoo Storage Facility.

Can I get my item back if I change my mind about selling it?

When you sign our contract you are committing your item to us for 8 weeks. If you cancel before this, there is a charge of 20% of the high estimate to cover all of the work that we have done. There is no charge after 8 weeks.

Sounds great! I'm in! Now what?

If you like the sound of consigning, please send some preliminary photos of your items to [email protected] or call 416-834-9611 to arrange a visit. As well, we will send you our Consignment Agreement, a document that will be signed by both the consignor and consignee as our legal contract to work together.
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